Betekenis van:
major key
major key
Zelfstandig naamwoord
- a key whose harmony is based on the major scale
- Major project key details
- 286402,94– correction — major shortcomings in the effectiveness of key checks.
- 5 % flat-rate correction — major shortcomings in the effectiveness of key checks.
- the President of the Commission will have a regular dialogue with the President of Parliament on key horizontal issues and major legislative proposals.
- This was possible as, with one exception, all key suppliers were ready to accept such credit terms in order to keep HSCz as a major client.
- Although Europe already enjoys industrial and technological leadership in key ICT fields it lags behind its major competitors in investment in ICT research.
- In particular, SMEs are important actors in the energy sector play a major role in the energy chain and will be key to promoting innovation.
- Slovenia is taking appropriate measures in some key areas such as entrepreneurship and better regulation. It has launched most of the major reforms of employment policies, benefiting from relatively favourable macroeconomic growth conditions.
- the establishment and development of the key links and interconnections needed to eliminate bottlenecks, fill in missing sections and complete the main routes, especially their cross-border sections, cross natural barriers, and improve interoperability on major routes;
- Activities under this section are designed to prevent major diseases and reduce health inequalities across the EU, by tackling key health determinants such as nutrition, alcohol, tobacco and drug consumption, as well as social and environmental determinants.
- Wide socioeconomic foresight on a limited number of key challenges and opportunities for the Community, exploring issues such as the future and implications of ageing, migration, globalisation of the production and dissemination of knowledge, changes in crime and major risks.
- They supply a major part of the Community's natural gas requirements, are key partners for the transit of primary energy to the Community and will progressively become more important players in its internal gas and electricity markets.
- List of completed major projects, including the date of completion, total final investment costs using the template provided in point H.2.2 of Annexes XXI and XXII and key output and result indicators, including, where relevant, the core indicators, laid down in the Commission decision on the major project.
- the President of the Commission will have a regular dialogue with the President of Parliament on key horizontal issues and major legislative proposals. This dialogue should also include invitations to the President of Parliament to attend meetings of the College of Commissioners,
- The aim is to understand and assess the causes and implications of particular key trends in society that have major consequences for European citizens, their quality of life and for policies, and thus to provide an underpinning for many policy areas.